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  • Aloha!!!

    Hi! This is the photography and lifestyle blog of Sheena Bean of Photography In the Light. I am a lifestyle photographer based in Kauai, Hawaii. I moved here with my family in January of 2015. My husband is the youth pastor at Lihue Missionary Church and we are raising three little world changers, Noakea, Banyan, and Avenlea Wren. This is His story, our story, and little snippets of life on a 562 square mile rock in the middle of the Pacific.

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The Bean Family Chronicles {Fishing With Daddy, or It’s Vest Season}

Over the summer, the Bean boys acquired a Jon boat from a friend.  Apparently, growing up in the South means that learning to fish is a given, and Austin decided it was time for his sons to learn the fine art of landing a bass.  Unfortunately, they have gotten skunked more often than they would like (sorry, baby, just being honest).  Two days ago, though, it was nice and cool and overcast, i.e. prime fish slaying weather.  The fisherboys/men had a couple hours after work before the sun set and the ventured off to a little canal near the house to try their luck.

Before they headed out, I was dressed the little guys in some layers because it was pretty cool and damp out.  Noa just got a new vest for fall/winter and Banyan, thankfully, had one up in the size 3 box in the attic.  I say thankfully, because Banyan is really really really into matching his big bro right now.  It’s comical most of the time, but they dont have all of the same clothes, obviously, so it can be a bit of a tantrum inducer sometimes.  I loved seeing them all suited up in their flannel shirts and vests.  When we lived in Hawaii I always missed fall dressing and fall weather.  I love seeing the kids decked out in beanies, jackets, and boots.  It’s so cute <3

Avenlea had just aroused from her afternoon nap (I can’t wait till she’s down to just one nap), so I brought her outside to bid farewell to the seafaring pirates.  I’m glad she was in a smily mood, because I love these pictures of her.

This is her default face.  Austin and I always comment that she seems so stoic most of the time.  Luckly, it’s pretty easy to coax a smile out of her.

Case in point……i’ve never known a baby who keeps her tongue out as much as this girl.

“Mommy, take a serious fisherman picture of us.”  (nice photo bomb, Avenlea)

“Aww, we want to take a picture with her tummy in it,” – Noakea

He’ll be 7 in 3 months.  Bittersweet, but i’m so thankful for a healthy, growing, vibrant kiddo who is so full of life, energy, and happiness.

I have a picture of Noa from this age (3) doing the same thing.  Sippy cup for the win!!

Her smile slays me every time.  She has eyes like Noa.  So many colors once you get close.

Working on her cheesy toddler smile.

“Mommy, it’s like we have our own touch-n-feel tank like the aquarium.” – Noakea (someone is easily impressed)

To think I ever wished that Banyan had been a girl.  God so knew that these two needed each other <3 <3

Lol…..Mr. Bean won’t like this picture of him, but I love any shot that has the three of them together.  Especially when they match.

“Mommy, take a picture of me through the car window!”

Disclaimer: It was about 63 degrees out when these pictures were taken.  I know they’re dressed for colder weather, but that’s because they were going out on the water.  Avenlea, in her tee shirt and no shoes, is not as cold as you’d think.

October 11, 2013 - 3:23 pm

Ally - Oh the Bean boys…so cute!

October 11, 2013 - 3:35 pm

Donna Weiss - Great pictures. My boys loved going fishing too. Bob’s dad lived on the lake so they went on lots of fishing trips. It’s wonderful bonding time.

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