My Website bio picture
  • Aloha!!!

    Hi! This is the photography and lifestyle blog of Sheena Bean of Photography In the Light. I am a lifestyle photographer based in Kauai, Hawaii. I moved here with my family in January of 2015. My husband is the youth pastor at Lihue Missionary Church and we are raising three little world changers, Noakea, Banyan, and Avenlea Wren. This is His story, our story, and little snippets of life on a 562 square mile rock in the middle of the Pacific.

  • We would love to hear from you! Please call, email, or facebook us if you have any questions.

The Bean Family Chronicles | Stream-side Shenanigans

The boys ask me at least 4 or 5 times a day to take them to play down in the stream.  It’s just a 5 minute walk from the house, but the mosquito factor is formidable and unless you’re in the water, you’re basically a blood bank.  Saying “yes,” when I want to say “no,” is one of the biggest challenges for me when it comes to parenting boys.  They always want to go adventuring, get dirty, and otherwise do things that this crafty homebody would rather obtain from.  Unless it involves the ocean, my outdoor exploits involve way too many mosquito bites to be anything desirable.

This little stream and waterfall (ill save that for another post) are just a short distance from the house and when the four boys came in with their cute faces begging me to take them down there, I took advantage of Avenlea napping and Auntie Meghann’s willingness to hang at home to be a “cool mom” and go venturing into mosquito land with the boys.  The path to the stream is a little precarious, but after convincing Banyan that he wasn’t going to slide down to his impending doom, we walked down and the boys had a fun hour of splashing, sliding, and taunting one another to do more dangerous things than the other one.

Also….these are unedited SOOC pictures.  I’m over editing blog post pictures.  Too time consuming.

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