My Website bio picture
  • Aloha!!!

    Hi! This is the photography and lifestyle blog of Sheena Bean of Photography In the Light. I am a lifestyle photographer based in Kauai, Hawaii. I moved here with my family in January of 2015. My husband is the youth pastor at Lihue Missionary Church and we are raising three little world changers, Noakea, Banyan, and Avenlea Wren. This is His story, our story, and little snippets of life on a 562 square mile rock in the middle of the Pacific.

  • We would love to hear from you! Please call, email, or facebook us if you have any questions.

Eastern North Carolina Photographer {Families: Bourgeois}

Prepare yourselves (I love a word that has elves in it) for a feast of the eyes.  This gorgeous family of 6 made shooting a big group feel as un-stressful as a group of three normally feels.  They were so easy going, up for anything I asked, and the camera LOVED them.  The Bourgeois family was one of my free session giveaway winners awhile back.  We have a mutual friend and when my friend told me that I was going to love meeting this crew, she wasn’t kidding.  One of my favorite parts of this “job” is getting to connect with the families and getting to know so many fantastic people.

We shot this session (in case it isn’t obvious) in downtown Elizabeth City.  This family actually lives up in VA Beach, and i’m always so flattered and touched when families are willing to drive to let me do their photos.  The handsome daddy in these shots is in the Navy and is deploying soon, and I hope these pictures are something for all of them to reflect on until his safe return.  Bourgeois Family, thank you so much for coming down and letting me spend the evening with you guys.  I had a fantastic time and hope to do it again soon!!

November 10, 2013 - 10:04 pm

Jenni McCarty - LOVE this whole session!!! Great job :-)

Eastern North Carolina Photography {Families: Lane}

Our local PTA does an auction in the beginning of the year to raise money for the school.  When the president of the PTA said that she was taking donations for the action, I was so excited to be able to help out.  The winners of the bidding turned out to be this gorgeous family and I am so glad that we got to spend the evening together doing this session.

I love shooting at new locations, and this amazing piece of property on the river did not disappoint.  From the cedar lined driveway, the idyllic white fences, and the classic dock on the river, it was a special treat to shoot this beautiful locale.

Lane Family, thank you all so much for supporting our school and my business.  I had a great time and hope that these pictures will be a treasure to you for years to come!

December 24, 2013 - 3:49 am

steph sawyer - I lloovvee this location!!

Eastern North Carolina Photographer {Families: Feeney}

I’ll never forget the first time I had a “stranger session.”  I was living in Hawaii and a girl who lived in my neighborhood had seen me shooting pictures for another family and asked me to do a session for her.  I was so nervous.  Like, hyperventilation, rapid pulse, sweaty palm nervous.  All I could think about was “will they like me,” and “what will be talk about,” and “what if they hate the pictures.”  That was about 6 years ago.  I’ve come a long way since then, but I still feel an added pressure when doing a session for a new client to be on my game.

When Roxanne called me and told me about her 4 children, two of which, you will see, are 6 month old twins, I started getting excited.  I have this thing for shooting large families and I knew that the age dynamic in this crew would make things challenging, but I love a challenge.  Mister T and Miss M were absolutely perfect to work with.  At 7 and 5 years old, they are in that golden age window where they are super childlike and spontaneous, but still able to follow directions, do specific poses, ect.

Baby A and her sister E, with their big blue eyes, stole my heart from the second I met them!  These amazing miracle babies were born at 29 weeks gestation and have come a long way in the last 6 months.  While they haven’t quite caught up to the normal 6 month old milestones, but did a great job smiling for the camera, looking into the lens and being perfectly happy smiley girls.  I loved seeing how big bro and big sis were so attentive and helpful to the little ladies.  I bet that Roxanne and David enjoy having that extra help!

I’m sure it will be a treat to you as much as it was to me to meet this awesome family.  The kids were so wonderfully well behaved and their classic styling is as good as it gets.  A BIG HUGE thank you to the Feeney family for allowing me to spend the evening with you guys!


November 5, 2013 - 3:01 am

steph sawyer - What delicious cuteness!!! Beautiful!

November 6, 2013 - 3:19 am

Debbie - Beautiful family memories captured spot on!
Can’t wait to hug you all.

November 18, 2013 - 4:44 am

Kerri Hoagland - What a model family! Everyone looks so healthy and Happy!

Eastern North Carolina Photographer {Teens: Holly}

When I was a little girl, I used to wish I had red hair and green eyes.  Actually, let me rephrase that, I used to pray, literally, that my eyes and hair would change colors and that my eyes would magically turn green.  Needless to say, I woke up disappointed in the morning and nothing changed.  I even asked my mom for a beautiful red haired, green eyed doll for my 10th birthday (shout out to Felicity!!).

A lot has changed in the 19 years since then, but one thing that remains is my affinity for what I consider to be the most beautiful coloring in a woman.  I have known Holly for a few years and never thought to ask her to model for me until a few days ago when I ran into her at her workplace.  She looked so cute in her Little Caesars uniform, but I knew that a white dress and some brown boots in the perfect location would bring out her unique beauty in a special way.  She asked me if her boyfriend, Dusty, could come along and I was happy to have a sweet young couple to pose for me.  It’s always so fun and reminisce-able (i made that word up) to be around young love.  Dusty is a senior in high school and is shipping off to join the Marines when he graduates.  It made me happy to be able to capture this phase of their relationship before the chaos of adult life takes over.

I used a location that I have driven by 100 times, but had never bothered to really adventure around.  The leaves here are just starting to really change, and I love taking pictures this time of year.  Unfortunately, the day was super overcast and dark, so I didn’t get those glowing backlit shots I was envisioning, but I am very happy with the outcome of this session, nonetheless.

Holly, thank you for being such a willing model and for tromping through the prickly grass for me!  I had a great time and hope that you did too.

October 31, 2013 - 2:35 pm

Ally - I too dreamed of being a red head…

October 31, 2013 - 2:40 pm

Virginia - That’s why Jesse’s gma, Joan, felt such a connection to you…she told me she always wanted a red-headed daughter with green eyes. She thinks it’s the best thing in the entire world…but she still loves her daughter, granddaughter and great-granddaughter despite their lack of red hair and green eyes.

October 31, 2013 - 6:25 pm

Ronda - Love Love Love the pictures. You did an amazing job!

October 31, 2013 - 7:48 pm

Alicia Hatmaker - Oooh, you were so right about the colors in this session. The green makes her hair look so vibrant! I love that second set of photos – she looks so content and at peace!

October 31, 2013 - 7:50 pm

Moriah - These are amazing! Love them!

Eastern North Carolina Photographer {Teens: April}

April’s mom approached me a couple months ago about doing this session for her lovely daughter and I couldn’t say yes fast enough!  I met April a little over a year ago and was immediately smitten by her crystal blue eyes and fantastic curly hair.  I have a sweet spot for light eyes and dark hair, and I just though April was utterly gorgeous.  When her mom told me that April was a total country girl, and then suggested using a red barn for a backdrop, I knew that we were going to have a great time and get some super fun images out of it.  Sure enough, we did this session in just about 20 minutes.  April is so photogenic and a natural model.  It sure was a nice departure from all the family and infant sessions i’ve been doing lately.  There is something about having a beautiful location, more than capable model, and soft evening light that strikes a chord with me every time.

Thank you so much April for being such a great subject to shoot and for you beautiful heart that shines through.  This girl loves life and loves Jesus and it’s so apparent that she has a heart full of joy from the second you meet her!


October 30, 2013 - 1:18 am

Alicia Hatmaker - Her smile is contagious! What a beautiful girl. Can’t believe how many great shots you got just from a mini session! I am always blown away by how great your work is, Sheena! So crisp, with perfect light. Great job :)

October 30, 2013 - 1:33 am

Virginia - I love these! Her dress and the barn compliment each other perfectly.

October 30, 2013 - 1:55 am

Whitney - So fun! You did a great job capturing her! She’s a beauty with a smile that comes from within!

October 30, 2013 - 9:59 pm

Lonna - I have been telling April since she was little that she would be a great model, she’s amazing and gorgeous! Love my little sister! You did great photographing her and she is always smiling so she was bound to get great pictures.

October 31, 2013 - 11:28 pm

Pam - Thank you Sheena!! The pictures are great. who would have ever guessed the dress would complement the barn. April has always been a natural at taking pictures. Her smile is contagiousand she has such a natural beauty about her. Thank you for bringing that out.

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